If you have received a traffic ticket in the Bronx, you need an experienced and tenacious traffic lawyer. A good attorney can save you money and keep your license intact.
Bronx Traffic Court Lawyers can help you fight your case and protect your rights to operate a motor vehicle in the State of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. They have extensive experience representing thousands of drivers in traffic court discussions, conferences and plea bargains with city, town, village prosecutors, district attorneys and the Bronx traffic court judges.
In 2021, over 20,000 speeding tickets were issued in the Bronx by the NYPD and State troopers. While this is slightly less than the number given out in 2019, it is a part of an ongoing up and down fluctuation that began in 2014. These tickets are not only expensive in terms of fines, surcharges and assessment (a fee paid to New York State after you accumulate 6 points) but they also result in points on your driving record which can increase your insurance premiums significantly.
Another common traffic violation is red light running, a violation that can carry a $250 fine plus surcharges and assessments. An attorney can often fight these tickets if they are filed at TVB by analyzing the officer’s testimony and presenting mitigating circumstances to the judge.
Other violations include disobeying a traffic control device, such as a no turn on red sign, which can carry a $100 fine plus surcharges and assessments. It is also illegal to use a cell phone while driving which can be very dangerous. Although there has been a recent decrease in this type of violation due to increased Bluetooth technology and education, it is still enforced aggressively.
If you are charged with reckless driving VTL 1112(a misdemeanor) or DUI/DWI, a Bronx Criminal Attorney from Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC can fight your ticket. These lawyers are skilled at picking apart police officers’ testimonies and demonstrating when they don’t meet the burden of proof required for conviction. In addition, they can save you time by fighting your ticket for you, so that you don’t have to take the day off of work or school to appear in court yourself. In many cases, when you hire a Bronx Traffic Court Lawyer to fight your ticket, you will not even have to come to the courthouse for your hearing. This is because the attorney can negotiate and plead your case for you while you are at work or home. This is a huge advantage over fighting your own ticket. Using the LawInfo directory of verified traffic violation attorneys, you can find and connect with an experienced Bronx Traffic Attorney for your case. You can view attorney profiles that provide details like firm area of practice, office location, education and training, client recommendations and more. You can also see the attorney’s disciplinary history, if any. It is free to search and connect with an experienced Bronx Traffic Lawyer.